Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Introducing the Picture Gallery and the Torch Bringer

Today I have finished this latest drawing.  You have seen it before as the "Lamp Stand". Now, that it developed and has grown, it needed a new name - "Torch Bringer". Its a lot more dynamic and this needed to be expressed in the title. As you can see the scan has come out brilliantly and brings out the medium of pastel chalk really well. I want to say a bit more about this drawing and will do so on a separate page which you will find on the Page tab, right, in a few days time.

Prophetic Art that expresses the light of God’s presence, the longing and movement of the believer towards Jesus
~ Torch Bringer ~

Some of you have asked for a  separate page for only the drawings, so I have added a Picture Gallery, you can find the link at the right side under the Pages tab. There is a not as yet posted drawing called "Mount Horeb" in the Gallery, which I will introduce in more detail at a later time.
Currently I am working on changing to new scans of the drawings that bring out the original medium of pastel chalk in much better detail. This latest drawing the "Torch Bringer" is one of those, as you can see. I have also replaced "The Tree" and ""Water Lily" so far.

by Charis Gabriel